
NBOT for Hydroponics

NBOT proves to be an ideal choice for the hydroponics sector. It effectively oxidizes detrimental bacteria, molds, and spores without altering the characteristics of cannabis. It serves to cleanse and sanitize water and address issues like pests and bacterial contamination in products.

NBOT for Agricultural Irrigation

NBOT presents a promising approach to tackle issues in agricultural irrigation. It adeptly combats detrimental microorganisms, eradicates organic remnants, and elevates water oxygen levels. By upholding a microbiological equilibrium, ozone fosters improved nutrient uptake and plant development. NBOT treatment brings advantages like eliminating organic materials, decreasing chemical remnants, pH regulation, lowered chemical consumption, and responsible water management. The integration of NBOT into irrigation systems advances plant well-being, manages pathogens, enhances water purity, and encourages sustainable farming techniques.

NBOT for Cannabis

Employing NBOT proves to be a practical answer for the cannabis sector. It proficiently eradicates detrimental bacteria, mold, and spores while keeping the properties of cannabis intact. NBOT applications include purifying and sanitizing water and managing pests and product bacteria.