NBOT for Aquaculture, Zoos, and Hatcheries

Fish Farming & Hatcheries

Aquaculture can capitalize on the economic and environmental advantages of ozone. NBOT effectively eradicates 99% of fish-disease-causing pathogens and waterborne parasites, all without the need for chemicals. As a result, this reduces fish mortality rates and translates into substantial cost savings for aquaculture operators every season.

Life Support Systems in Aquariums and Zoos

Prominent aquariums, zoos, and hatcheries continually seek innovative and efficient means of safeguarding diverse species within their facilities. One of the most potent methods to ensure this protection is by implementing NBOT for water disinfection. Accumulated data and practical knowledge indicate that chemical water treatment for various animal species raises numerous health-related concerns. NBOT emerges as a cost-effective and minimally intrusive water treatment solution, guaranteeing the well-being and contentment of the animals.