NBOT for Wastewater Treatment

Key Benefits

  • Higher longevity of disinfection over a period of time compared to just ozone, which breaks down quickly.
  • Nanobubble generation allows for a swift and quick disinfection compared to traditional alternatives.
  • Environmentally friendly and long-term sustainability

Integrating NBOT technology into wastewater treatment facilities revolutionizes the disinfection process, outperforming traditional methods in several significant ways. NBOT’s approach results in an unparalleled capacity for contaminant removal. This advanced process ensures the effective breakdown of pollutants, organic materials, and microorganisms, resulting in treated water that surpasses conventional methods in terms of cleanliness and safety.

What truly distinguishes NBOT is its ability to deeply penetrate the water column, providing uniform and consistent treatment throughout the entire water body. This level of reliability is crucial for wastewater facilities seeking to uphold rigorous water quality standards and adhere to regulatory compliance mandates. This environmentally responsible approach aligns perfectly with the principles of sustainable resource utilization and ecological stewardship.

Furthermore, NBOT’s adaptability to various wastewater treatment applications ensures its versatility and efficacy across different scenarios. The result is increased efficiency, which translates into energy savings and optimized resource utilization, making it a valuable and forward-thinking solution for disinfection within wastewater facilities. The confluence of its innovative technology, environmental responsibility, and efficiency places NBOT at the forefront of modern wastewater treatment methods.

How Does NBOT Water Treatment Work?

Wastewater treatment is a multifaceted process with several critical stages, including pretreatment, primary treatment, secondary treatment, tertiary treatment, and disinfection. The overarching goal of wastewater treatment is the removal of pollutants and contaminants from water, ensuring its safe reintroduction into the environment. In the industry, both bio and mechanical filtration methods are typically employed to substantially reduce BOD/COD levels. Through this filtration process, the BOD/COD levels are decreased from a high concentration of 115,000 mg/L to a more manageable range of 50-100 mg/L.

However, in scenarios where further reduction of BOD/COD to lower levels is required, both bio and mechanical filtration methods can become cost-prohibitive. This is where a significant number of Water Treatment Plants (WTP) turn to ozone as a solution. NBOT offers an efficient water polishing step and can function as the final stage in the wastewater treatment process as a replacement to traditional alternatives. For example, NBOT proves to be a cost-effective means of reducing BOD/COD to safe levels before discharging the treated water into the receiving environment. Beyond its cost-saving potential, NBOT systems also assist in avoiding penalties associated with the disposal of contaminated water.

Moreover, NBOT brings the additional benefits of introducing a clean and environmentally friendly technology to the process. It enhances oxygen demand within the water, contributing to a healthier aquatic environment. Simultaneously, it enhances aesthetic qualities by reducing water turbidity, ensuring that the water released into the environment is not only safe but visually appealing as well.