PFAS Destruction

PFAS, known as “forever chemicals,” are notoriously difficult to remove from water. They are found in 99% of Americans’ blood and over 200 million Americans regularly drink water contaminated with PFAS. Traditional methods trap or separate PFAS without destroying them. 

Our technology provides a scalable, energy-efficient solution that eliminates these harmful substances, suitable for municipal drinking water treatment facilities, industrial wastewater, and other contaminated sites. By incorporating our process, you can achieve superior water quality and comply with stringent environmental regulations.

How It Works

At NBOT Labs, we utilize a revolutionary process to eliminate PFAS from water. Our technology combines ozone-infused nanobubbles and UV light to break down and destroy these persistent chemicals.

  1. Ozone-Infused Nanobubbles: We generate trillions of nanobubbles filled with ozone, a powerful oxidizing agent. These nanobubbles have a high surface area and produce an extremely powerful hydroxyl radical, ensuring effective interaction with PFAS molecules.
  2. UV Light: The nanobubbles are exposed to UV light, which weakens the PFAS molecule and enhances the ozonated nanobubbles’ ability to sever the strong carbon-fluorine bonds in PFAS compounds.

Destruction Process: This combination results in the destruction of 99.995% of PFAS molecules. Contrary to other solutions, the carbon-fluorine bond is severed and destroyed, not “filtered” out.

Why It's Valuable

  • Unmatched Efficiency: Our technology outperforms traditional methods, which often only trap or separate PFAS, by ensuring their complete destruction.
  • Scalability: This process is scalable and can be adapted to various water treatment settings, including municipal water supplies, industrial wastewater treatment, and residential systems.
  • Innovative Collaboration: Developed in partnership with NOAA, our technology is supported by cutting-edge research and extensive testing, ensuring its reliability and effectiveness.

Explore More

Learn more about our groundbreaking PFAS destruction technology and its benefits for your water treatment needs.